Hello HGE peeps! 👋🏻
We’re so excited to announce that we have special price for all of you! 🥰
For Brawijaya colleagues: IDR 50.000 / US$ 3.34
For Non Brawijaya colleagues:
1. Early Bird: 130.000 / US$ 9.00 (for the first 20 registrants only)
2. Normal: 150.000 / US$ 11.00
This fee can be paid through ISS HGE 16 bank account or other platforms.
So, what are you waiting for? Be the first who get this special price! 🔥
👇For more information👇
Instagram: @hgeub
Facebook: Himalogista Great Event 16
Line@: @chi7996d
Twitter: @hgeub
Linked in: Himalogista UB
Tiktok: @himalogista_ub
Email: info.hge16@gmail.com
Website: www.himalogistagreatevent.com