October 14th, 2017 @ SMAN 99 Jakarta
🔥🔥Get Ready For Our Closing Ceremony🔥🔥
SMAN 99 JAKARTA PROUDLY PRESENTS ✨Evocative Imagery Experience✨ will be held on: 📅October 14th, 2017 🎪SMAN 99 Jakarta ⏳08.00 a.m-05.00 p.m 🎶These are the guest stars you've been waiting for: 🔸Nidji 🔸Payung Teduh 🔸Dipha Barus 🔸Sunset 🎺And also special performances by: ◽Trouble and Table ◽Jova Quincy ◽Kurang Ganteng Band ◽Lafsa 99 ◽Tari Tradisional 99 ◽S2R 99 ◽USDC 99 ◽The Underdogs 🎤Hosted by Akbarry 📲For more information, keep up with us on our accounts: Facebook: Experience 99 Twitter: @experience99 Instagram: @experience99_ LINE@: @xvt6849o Come and be part of our a-bit-unusual world🌝
Evocative Imagery Experience With Nidji, Payung Teduh, Dipha Barus, Sunset