National Marketing Competition
Let's register yourself to compete in the Marketing Competition which consists of 2 types: 1. National Marketing Plan 2. National Marketing Debate
This competition is open to all undergraduate students from various departments in all universities in Indonesia. Competition in a team consists of 3 member
Win total prize of IDR 50.000.000
So, what are u waiting for? Lets regist your self NOW by click
Get your prize: ▪ IDR 250k in our Early Bird period 15th October – 15th November 2017 ▪ IDR 350k in our Normal Price period 16th – 30th November 2017
____________________ Contact person
National Marketing Plan 📞Silvia: Silvia_17 / 089507274412
National Marketing Debate 📞Amadea: Amadea_steffi / 081804406541
Wanna know the detail:
So stay tune in our social media: ▪ IG: @imcbday / @imcbinus ▪ Twitter: @imcbday / @imcbinus ▪ E: ▪ W:
We are looking forward for you participation!
#IMCBDAYII2017 #imcbdayXpearson
We give you more than experiences!✨