"Apakah negeri ini pernah meminta kita untuk memperjuangkannya? Pernahkah kau berfikir bagaimana hidupmu tanpa sebuah negeri?"
_Unit Kesenian SMAN 28 Jakarta Proudly Presents:
KERIS 2017: Senandung dari Selatan
2 September 2017
Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta
KERIS this year has the theme of "Konflik Sanubari" with the title of "Senandung dari Selatan" that tells about an inland man who wandered into the land of the enemy. Does he choose to fight for the country or defend his hometown?
Come join us and take part in his story! Book your tickets now!
▪ Elang Putih: 85K
▪ Kijang Berantai: 110K
▪ Silau Macan: 165K
▪ Merpati Putih: 220K
▪ Kera Sakti: 270K
Contact these person below for more information:
▪ Line ID: tristanshahab (Arsyi)
▪ Line ID: mlrrm (Meva)
Unit Kesenian SMAN 28 Jakarta Presents: KERIS 2017, Senandung dari Selatan, 2/9/2017, Graha Bhakti Budaya, Jakarta