HiMA UNIKA Atma Jaya
Proudly Presents
AFTA 2017
(Accounting Fair of Atma Jaya)
"Leading the Youth Generation to Face Changes in Global Economic Development by Escalating Business Insight and Defining the Real Purpose of Work-Life Balance"
1st Session:
"Discover the Smart Strategies to Establish a Prosperous Startup Business"
1. Benny Fajarai as Co-Founder and CEO of Qlapa.com
2. Hendrik Tio as Founder and CEO of Bhinneka.com
3. I Ketut Adi Putra as Vice President of Berrybenka.com
2nd Session:
"Enrich Your Understanding about Work-Life Balance in Global Economic Challenges"
1. Tjoa Tjek Nien as Assurance Partner of Ernst & Young
2. Vensia Tjhin as Chief Omni Channel Officer of Bhinneka.com
Evan Novrado as Announcer of Mustang 88FM
This event will be held on:
Date : Tuesday, September 12th, 2017
Place : Yustinus Building 15th floor
Time : 12.00 P.M. - 04.15 P.M.
Accounting Seminar is OPEN FOR PUBLIC!
For public, register yourself on: https://tinyurl.com/ycadpobw
Public and On the Spot: IDR 20,000
Tickets are also available at Goers App!
Get certificate/SKP, snack, starter kit, and also amazing doorprizes with total amount IDR 4,500,000!
Grab your seat NOW and prepare yourself to enrich your knowledge, learn to maximize your time, and get ready to start your own business!
For more information, please contact:
Shania 087871706107
Novi 087878781107