What is a product owner? As we all recognize, a tech based startup is a thing nowadays, which makes building career as a product owner is pioneering and hot. Despite the buzz, many people still don’t have the information about the ups and downs as a product owner. Join us to learn more about the roles, workflow, process, and tips to become one!
Sri Rahayu, Product Owner Tokopedia
Fitri Hidayanti, Product Owner Codigo
18.30 - 19.00 : Coffee Break & Networking
19.00 - 20.30 : Talk Show
20.30 - 20.55 : Q&A Session
20.55 - 21.00 : Closing
Are you ready to be a product owner? Join us, it's free! It will be limited for 50 seats only
RSVP https://codigoshareacode.eventbrite.com
Contact : hello@codigo.id / 0818960004 (Astrid)
#Gratis: Buat lo yg lagi merintis usaha berbasis teknologi, bisa dapet pencerahan di sini #business #startup #seminar