Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia along with Badan Otonom Economica proudly present:
The 15th Journalist Days: "Travel Journalism: Travel The World to Spread The Word".
As the leading journalism event held by students in Indonesia, The 15th Journalist Days proudly sets up a line-up of highly celebrated journalists and prominent figures in the field of Travel Journalism within 3 of our main events: Training, Media Visit, and Seminar.
Sesi 1: 09.00 - 11.30 WIB
Sesi 2: 13.30 - 16.00 WIB
Grab your tickets by:
clicking on this link: bit.ly/tiketJD , or contact
Andari (0822-2112-9269, line: andaricita)
Arin (08569795-2977, line: arinndyh)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/journalistdays
IG : http://instagram.com/journalistdays