29th October 2017 @ dia.lo.gue artspace, Kemang, held by STUNICA BEM IKM FKUI
We've all been there before - making bad lifestyle choices (e.g: downing an entire bowl of ice cream while binge-watching korean dramas) and justify them as our self-care habits. Then we wonder why those 'self-care' acts won't work, thus making us even stressed.
INTERACTIVE 2017, an event held by STUNICA BEM IKM FKUI on the 29th October in dia.lo.gue artspace, Kemang, decides to shine more light on depression and stress management of millenials. By seminars and workshops, we hope to spread awareness about how to take care of our mental health.
Also enjoy a special performance by Adhitia Sofyan!
Kindly contact us to register yourself for only IDR 25k!
cp: Dinda (08121056685)/ line: dnisrina
Waspadai Fenomena Depresi Di Era Milenial! Ikuti seminarnya sambil dengerin musik dan coret2 kaligrafi :-)